Lucy Lee portfolio page


Thank you for visiting! Here's a little bit of information so you can get to know me better. I am currently a first year student at the University of Leeds, studying Digital Media. The module which taught me how to programme this website is called 'COMM1730 Interface and Design'. I have moved over from Manchester to study at Univeristy, so far I am really enjoying studying this course. I also really enjoy the Univeristy life. I have just turned 19 and have big plans for the summer of 2023. So far I have booked 3 holidays, these holidays include a girls trip to Zante, we went last year and loved it so much we are going back again, same hotel and everything. The next trip is travelling around Europe with my childhood best friend, this trip includes 7 different countries. The last trip is a month in Australia, this is a solo trip and I will be visiting Perth in Western Austrlia. As you can probably tell my favourite things are:

Interface and Design projects

Over the second semester I have completed numerous projects which has enabled me to be able to create this portfolio. The first project was Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino for this project I experimented with making the first letter of each paragraph a different size, experimented with adding HTML code to add content to a page and used CSS code to add style and dsign to the content.

The next project was Playground. For this project I recreated a piece of artwork using shapes in the software Brackets. To start this project off I made an Experiment Playground allowing me to properly get to grips with how to change colours, positions, include borders.

The next project was Peatcutter's Croft. This task was about creating a website for a hotel, this allowed me to learn how to create a navigation bar at the top of the page, I also learnt how to use internal links, wrapper class and how to include multiple columns. In my final project I have included the column in my created website. In the final week I also added a popup on to this website so users know that my site isn't real.

The next project was fluid and responsive design. This project allowed me to understand how to build responsive layouts that work in all browsers and devices.

Project Links


Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities

  • Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities
  • playground experiment

    Playground Experiment

  • Playground Experient
  • playground

    Playground Recreation

  • Playground Artwork Recreation
  • peatcutter

    Peatcutters Croft

  • Peatcutter's Croft
  • fluid


  • Fluid
  • website design

    Website Redesign

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